Configuring HTTP Directive Sets

The HTTP Directive Sets table lets you configure up to 30 HTTP Directive Sets. The table lets you configure additional custom directives to HTTP Proxy server configuration. These directives are reflected in the configuration file generated for the NGINX HTTP Proxy. The directives of each HTTP Directive Set is configured in the HTTP Directives table (see Configuring HTTP Directives), which is a "child" of the HTTP Directive Sets table.

Directives are grouped into Directive Sets, which you can then assign to HTTP Proxy Servers (see Configuring HTTP Proxy Servers), HTTP Locations (see Configuring HTTP Locations), and TCP/UDP Proxy Servers (see Configuring TCP-UDP Proxy Servers), using the 'Additional Directive Set' parameter in their respective tables.

For example, to control behavior of specific encoding and communication parameters relating to a particular location, you can configure the following NGINX directives:

chunked_transfer_encoding off;
keepalive_timeout 50s; 	
The device doesn't validate Directive Sets, which it passes directly to the NGINX configuration file. If the configured directives are not entered using the correct syntax, NGINX rejects the new configuration. For more information, refer to the NGINX documentation at . An alphabetical index to all directives can be found at
By default, the device is configured with an HTTP Directive Set for rate limiting. This directive ensures that priority is given to network traffic carrying SIP signaling and media over HTTP traffic. It is highly recommended to configure these limitations on the HTTP Proxy. This HTTP Directive Set includes the following directives:
"limit_conn": Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous client connections (default 100).
"limit_rate": Specifies the bandwidth limit per connection (bytes per second). This syntax supports a suffix of "k" for kilobytes and "m" for megabytes. The default is 0.

The following procedure describes how to configure HTTP Directive Sets through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [HTTPDirectiveSets] or CLI (configure network > http-proxy > directive-sets).

To configure an HTTP Directive Set:
1. Enable the HTTP Proxy application, as described in Enabling the HTTP Proxy Application.
2. Open the HTTP Directive Sets table (Setup menu > IP Network tab > HTTP Proxy folder > HTTP Directive Sets).
3. Click New; the following dialog box appears:

4. Configure an HTTP Directive Set according to the parameters described in the table below.
5. Click Apply, and then save your settings to flash memory.
6. Configure directives for the HTTP Directive Set (see Configuring HTTP Directives).

HTTP Directive Sets Table Parameter Descriptions





Defines an index number for the new table row.


Each row must be configured with a unique index.
The parameter is mandatory.

'Set Name'



Defines a descriptive name, which is used when associating the row in other tables.

The valid value is a string of up to 40 characters. By default, no value is defined.

Note: The parameter value cannot contain a forward slash (/).




Defines a brief description for the HTTP Directive Set.

The valid value is a string of up to 100 characters. By default, no value is defined.